Saturday, February 28, 2009

An Update, Pictures and Files

Hello to anyone who is reading this blog. Hopefully my experiences will be entertaining to read about and helpful if you are planning your own trip.

I am now doing well. I finally overcame the Achilles tendonitis (in each Achilles) as well as in my peroneus (tendon on the outer upper shin). I started doing a few rides a week in December and then started (gradually) training for bike racing again in January. These were tough injuries to overcome as the left achilles and peroneus tendonitis seemed to go away in early August, but returned in force in late September and October (weeks after I stopped riding). Additionally, the seemingly mild right achilles tendonitis was extremely persistent. In late September and October I had two bum Achilles which made getting around (on a bike or walking) a difficult and depressing proposition.

Additionally, I passed the bar exam and I was recently sworn in as an attorney. I trained for this bike trip while studying for the bar exam and then began the trip days after taking the bar exam. The two experiences are intertwined in my memory.

Click here to view the pictures that I took during my trip. The pictures are roughly in chronological order.

I will be uploading all of my GPS ride files, in .kmz format. .kmz files are viewable in Google Earth.

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